Balancing Support and Independence in Parenting

By: Jim Sheils

As parents, one of our foremost duties is guiding our children as they grow and navigate the complexities of life. Striking the right balance between being supportive and allowing independence is crucial for their development into resilient, confident adults. I'm Jim Sheils, co-founder of 18 Summers, and I am passionate about helping parents master this balance through intentional parenting.

Understanding Guided Autonomy

At 18 Summers, we've championed a concept known as 'guided autonomy.' This approach combines clear parental expectations with the freedom for children to make their own choices within these boundaries. This method encourages children to explore, make decisions, and learn from their results—essential skills for personal growth and independence.

For example, if your child expresses interest in a new sport or hobby, encourage them to research and understand what's involved. Offer guidance when asked, but let them take the lead. This approach not only empowers them but also sharpens their decision-making and problem-solving skills, which are invaluable throughout life.

The Role of Parental Scaffolding

Parental scaffolding is a method drawn from educational psychology, which involves providing support for children’s learning activities and gradually removing that support as they become more competent. This tactic helps children achieve tasks that initially seem beyond their reach, fostering a sense of accomplishment and independence. By adjusting the level of help according to the child's needs, we encourage them to become more self-reliant and prepared for future challenges.

Empowering Choices Within Boundaries

Offering children choices within defined boundaries significantly enhances their engagement and instills a sense of responsibility. This strategy, backed by developmental psychology research, is integral to our Family Board Meeting strategy. By allowing children to choose activities or topics during these meetings, they become more invested and motivated, enhancing both their decision-making skills and their commitment to family activities.

The Importance of Role Modeling

Our actions as parents serve as the primary blueprint for our children's behavior. The strategies we employ in managing stress, resolving conflicts, and interacting with others are closely observed and often emulated by our children. Demonstrating healthy boundary-setting, respectful communication, and emotional regulation not only teaches these skills but also reinforces them through our behavior. Such role modeling is crucial in nurturing well-adjusted individuals who can handle life's challenges.

Regular Reviews and Dynamic Adaptations

Children's needs evolve rapidly, making it essential to continuously adapt our parenting strategies. At 18 Summers, we advocate for regular family board meetings to evaluate the effectiveness of our parenting techniques. These meetings provide a structured opportunity to discuss what’s working and what might need adjustment, ensuring that our approaches grow with our children.

Engaging in Meaningful Conversations

Meaningful communication is at the heart of the relationship between parent and child. Encouraging open dialogues about feelings, experiences, and fears without judgment allows children to feel safe and understood. This fosters deeper bonds and ensures that children know they can turn to their parents for guidance and support when they face life’s inevitable challenges.


Mastering the balance between supporting and granting independence to our children is more of an art form than a science. It requires patience, adaptability, and above all, love. By implementing strategies like guided autonomy, parental scaffolding, empowering choices, effective role modeling, and maintaining open communication, we can support our children’s journey towards becoming capable, confident individuals.

I invite you to delve deeper into these strategies through our book The Family Board Meeting, to explore these concepts further. Our goal is not just to prepare the road for the children but to prepare the children for the road.

Thank you for joining me in this important conversation. I look forward to hearing about your successes and learning together as we navigate the rewarding journey of parenting.